BBC’s Passion accused of distorting “facts”

BBC’s Easter snuff drama, The Passion, has come under fire because it portrays Jesus as being crucified in a different position to the one “cherished” by Christians.

Instead of the traditional nails-through-the-palms and arms outstretched, Wayne Rooney style, the BBC shows Jesus attached to a stake with his arms above his head and nails through his forearms, with knees bent.

The Reverend George Curry speaks without a trace of irony or self-awareness:

They are misleading people by distorting the facts.

That’s a serious and dangerous thing to do, but sadly utterly predictable and regrettable. Jesus’s nails went through his hands not his forearms.

We should be true to history and the events that occurred.

The Mail even wheels out Stephen Green, of the failed lobby group Stephen Green’s Voice (aka Christian Voice), who mutters something about “fact” and uses the word “guys” in an effort to sound modern, but is otherwise too dull to bother with.

8 Responses to “BBC’s Passion accused of distorting “facts””

  1. marc says:

    That would be the history where people were nailed through the palms and subsequently fell off the cross because the tissues wouldn’t take the weight. Oh, the irony.

  2. Bob says:

    What a bloody fool. Marc is right, people were crucified throught the 2 bones in the wrist. It took great skill, and the people who did it were experts. They had to be as if they hit the artery and the criminal died without the lingering agony, the centurian would be severly punished. The Romans did not mess around.
    Such idiocy is astounding !

  3. Chris Hall says:

    But the thing you have to remember is that if the nails did actually go through the wrist then St Francis of Assisi was a fraud – oh wait.

  4. marc says:

    Ah yes indeed Bob, eloquently put too.

    We should also note that it took DAYS to die on a cross (probably) from dehydration – the Romans were expert torturers. If this dude really was strung up as described, they he wouldn’t have been dead when he was cut down some hours later (as described in Green’s favourite book). This means he didn’t rise from the dead either which kinda screws even more with their pet theories.

  5. Stuart W says:

    I must say I’m surprised by the response on the Mail board. Most of them sound like they would roll their eyes at Curry and Green. (Collectivly a ‘green curry’?)

  6. martyn says:

    Perhaps old ‘dog shit’ should volunteer himself to be nailed up to show how it should be done.

    “Romans they go the house?”

  7. Stuart H. says:

    @ martyn

    ..then someone could finally tell him to get down because we need the wood

  8. Phil says:

    Ah, I see they’ve remained true to historical fact and have Jesus & Co are all looking particularly tall and white and western…