February 16th 1994
NOT another shock Tory resignation? Satan has more to do with this one than Commons researchers, though some might argue he usually has a hand in these things. Stephen Green MA, chairman of the Conservative Family Campaign, greatly enlivens the morning post bags of our elected representatives. The Conservative Family Campaign, it is fair to say, is not much in favour of lowering the age of homosexual consent - some sensible compromise, like 106, is more their line. Mr Green has previously suggested that many homosexuals have up to 10 partners a day, and intimated that these may sometimes include gerbils, age unknown. He also sent all MPs a copy of Boyz magazine, which goes in for pin-ups of leather boys, contact ads and gossip. Although not actually illegal, he said with clear regret, many MPs might find it shocking. Stonewall, the pressure group for gay equality (no gerbils need apply) has noted that, with each communication from Mr Green, more and more Tipp-Exed blanks appear in the list of sponsors. A recent letter announced, startlingly: "I believe I have been called by God to provide leadership for Christians to oppose these moves . . . Of course this is not the only matter to concern Christians today, but it is identifiable, its importance can be gauged by the effort Satan's forces are putting in, and it is a battle which Christians can win in the Name of the Authority of Christ." At this the Tipp-Ex snowstorm threatened to become a blizzard. There are Tory MPs who favour homosexual law reform, not least Edwina Currie. Now comes a letter from the president of Conservative Family Campaign, Bill Walker MP. The committee will be considering Mr Green's generous offer to resign. "Also," writes Mr Walker, "it is wrong to describe party activists as working for Satan."