A judge in the High Court firmly refused permission for The Christian Institute's legal action against the BBC.

It appears that under the Human Rights Act (introduced by the Blair Government in 1998) the BBC's freedom of expression trumps any offence which may be caused to Christians.

We are naturally very disappointed by the news. It is a tragedy for our nation that such a blasphemous anti-Christian show has been deemed to comply with broadcasting regulations. What a decadent culture we live in!

I would like to assure supporters that nothing more could have been done to fight the case. We had a very strong legal team (headed by Richard Gordon QC).

We wanted a declaration from the High court that the BBC acted illegally when it broadcast the show. There were two grounds for the Institute's action. First, the broadcast broke the 'taste and decency' provisions of the BBC's royal charter (the legal document which establishes the BBC). Second, the broadcast discriminated against Christians by mocking the Christian faith in a way that no other faith has been, or would be, mocked.

The BBC engaged David Pannick QC to put up a robust defence citing the fact that the show had won many theatrical awards and arguing that the BBC had the right to screen the opera because of "Freedom of Expression". The judge sided with the BBC.

The broadcast of Jerry Springer - the Opera contained hundreds of swear words and systematically ridiculed Christianity. It presented the Lord Jesus Christ as a childish, foul-mouthed woman-beater who declares himself to be "a bit gay". Mary is said to have been "raped by God" and Eve attempts to fondle Jesus.

Last month, Ofcom scrapped its broadcasting rules on taste and decency replacing them with a much weaker code. Richard Hooper, Ofcom's Deputy Chairman, suggested that the new rules could allow programmes depicting sex with animals if they were broadcast at a sufficiently late hour.

Though we are very saddened by these developments, we must go on praying that justice may be done and that evil may be restrained in our land. The act of complaining honours God, is a witness to the truth and will make the BBC more cautious in the future. We fight on.

Another Christian group is pursuing a private blasphemy prosecution. We support this action.