Mammon trumps God in Oz

Censorship by caterwauling seems to be the name of the game in Oz at the moment, where Catholics gathered this week for a vigil after a terriby naughty programme was aired on the country’s Channel 10. It’s called Californication, and it has a nude scene. Horrors! And it even features a dream sequence at the beginning in which a nun performs a sex act. A sex act? By a nun? In a dream sequence? Have they no shame?

Despite the expected uproar from those of a religious bent, advertisers have backed the airing of the programme (let’s face it, if it’s going to gain them customers, they would, wouldn’t they?), which stars X Files actor David Duchovny as a “sex-addicted novelist and father suffering a mid-life crisis”.

A Catholic priest, Father John Fongemie, led a vigil outside the Sydney studios of Channel 10 last night, complete (judging by the photo) with singing and candles.

An earlier version of the Telegraph story linked to above – now no longer there – talks of how sex was being depicted in a church. And you wouldn’t find that sort of thing in a mosque, would you? asked someone quoted there. Well, no, because those who might just be a tad inclined to object would probably not stop at a candlelit singsong.

2 Responses to “Mammon trumps God in Oz”

  1. Bartholomew says:

    Duchovny’s not looking too good these days.

  2. Let’s just hope the good father never sees Almodovar’s “Dark Habits”. I don’t think his poor little god-bothering heart could stand it.