More on GPA appeals

The Guardian reports in more detail on the likely focus of the Gay Police Association’s appeal against that baffling ASA ruling.

Basically, they will be contesting all three complaints upheld decisions:

1. That the ad was likely to cause offence to Christian readers. The people who saw the original ad were readers of The Independent, who are, one presumes, mostly infidels. But the complaints were the result of an orchestrated campaign by fundamentalist Christian groups who would otherwise never have seen the ad.

2. That the image implied that all homophobic incidents were violent. This fails to take into account the entire text of the ad, which makes it clear that the homophobic incidents were “across the board”.

3. That the GPA had not provided substantiating evidence. At the time the GPA was involved in a criminal enquiry. When this enquiry was over, they tried to provide the ASA with the relevant information, but it was not taken into account or the investigation.

GPA spokesman Vic Codling also denied reports in some Christian sources that the GPA have officially apologised for the ad:

The GPA [doesn’t] see any reason to apologise for an advertisement that was merely stating the facts

The GPA continue to receive threatening homophobic emails from people purporting to be Christians.

(Thanks to Tom P)

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