Stephen Green amused by “impotent” bloggers
Christian Voice director Stephen Green has broken his silence and replied to an email enquiry from MWW. In it he modestly declines to take credit for the Woolies/Sainsbury Springer DVD ban:
I rather think we have to give Almighty God the credit, don’t you?
Given that, in the mental landscape inhabited by Stephen Green, the aims and desires of “Almighty God” correspond remarkably with his own, this is probably the closest thing we’ll get to a confession.
Commenting on the furore that has arisen since last Sunday’s report, Stephen says:
…and what a spectacle is the impotent rage of the bloggers. As the advertisement says: “Priceless.”
When it was pointed out that the ban was giving the DVD a lot of the free publicity, and likely boosting its sales figures, he replied “it needs it”.
Stephen Green and Almighty God – that pair really do work in mysterious ways, don’t they?
He really needs to see a shrink doesn’t he?
You know, perhaps he should try something a little harder, something worthy of gloating. I’ll be impressed if he can persuade the supermarkets to stop opening on Sunday — surely such an abuse of his imaginary friend’s special day is far more offensive than a single DVD?
Isn’t pride one of the seven deadly sins?
Poor S.Green.
I’m just waiting for them to get their knickers in a twist over the coke ad in which people are singing ‘holidays are coming’
According to Chicken Yoghurt ( Green has hooked up with the BNP. Makes him look a bit less like a buffoon and more like a dangerous mad fucker who needs to be stopped, pronto. Mind you, it might also make the likes of Sainsbury’s less likely to listen to him.
BNP Press release:
Poor, poor S.Green.
You people really are sad!
Perhaps if you could refrain from the foul language and derision of people you dissaprove of and engage in a real discussion. Aren’t you in danger of becomming a pressure group yourselves?
What’s to discuss? CV are the local equivalent of the Taliban. They need to be stopped. Not much to be debated there.
Also: Poor, poor P. Foster.
He must reply all the inquiries. I had put up some inquired but he wouldn’t bother replying
even one.