Torture “not okay” says smut campaigner

According to The Daily Mail, Channel 4 are soon to screen The Guantanamo Guidebook – a reality TV show in which volunteers are subjected to sexual humiliation and physical cruelty in the same way as detainees at the infamous Camp X-Ray.

The program is presented by Jon Snow, and is apparently intended to “raise questions about whether torture is justified and if it works and what does it say about our values as a western society”.

But John Beyer does not want it:

Torture on TV is not okay. Torture anywhere is not okay.

This is a bad idea, even if these people have volunteered for their 15 minutes of fame.

Yes, John. It’s better to sweep this kind of unpleasantness under the carpet, isn’t it?

2 Responses to “Torture “not okay” says smut campaigner”

  1. Bloggerheads says:

    Torture season on C4

    I hope you all ‘enjoyed’ The Guantanamo Guidebook last night (it’s part of Channel 4’s torture season. For the record, John Beyer did not want you to see it. There’s more tonight and later this week. Make time to watch…

  2. […] hould be protected from “distasteful” examinations of reality such as this and The Guantanomo Guidebook. (Thanks to Dan Factor at Mediasnoops for the heads up.) Monitor @ 5:03 […]