Saudi lawyer uses English libel to sue Danish papers

The Saudi lawyer claiming to represent 95,000 descendants Mohammed is using the controversial English libel laws to sue Danish newspapers who printed a Motoon.

The Danish Minister for Justice Lars Barfoed has complained to the EU commission:

But it would be taking it to the extreme if an English court could rule against the Danish media and then require compensation and court costs to be paid.

Dodgy Saudi lawyer Faisal Yamani has failed to get an apology from most of the Danish papers and is now suing for compensation in the only venue left open to him. Inadvertantly, he has given boost to the libel reform campaign.

5 Responses to “Saudi lawyer uses English libel to sue Danish papers”

  1. martyn says:

    /The only word that comes to mind is in Scunthorpe.

  2. Andrew Nixon says:

    Excuse my pedantry, but that would be the England and Wales libel laws, not the UK libel laws. Scotland has a different system, which I won’t get into now, but isn’t actually that bad!

  3. Monitor says:

    Thanks, Andrew. Fixed that.

  4. Stonyground says:

    If I was an omnipotent god, creator of the entire universe, I don’t think that I would need any help from microscopic mortal humans to fight my battles for me. If Allah is really bothered that someone is taking the piss out of his prophet, why doesn’t he do something about it himself?

  5. […] the only venue left open to him. Inadvertantly, he has given boost to the libel reform campaign. Saudi lawyer uses English libel to sue Danish papers/Media watch-watch Share and Enjoy:Tagged as: 95000 descendants of Muhammad litigation jihadJoin the […]