Every cloud…

It looks like they were suicide bombers.

That’s four fewer than there were before.

9 Responses to “Every cloud…”

  1. Marc says:

    Fast as they blow them up, they breed some more.

    Remember, these guys are going to heaven to be get their legs over 100 young, beautiful, lusty virgins. Let’s just hope some can glue all the bits back together first or they won’t be able to enjoy themselves.

    Can you imagine the scene? I can see it now: “Sheet Abdul, someone done glued your dick back where yer nose should be!”

    Isn’t religion hilarious in its stupidity: every suicide bomber gets promised the same thing! The whole proposition based on the assumption that there’s an unlimited supply of (dead) young virgins in heaven just waiting for the next body bag of assorted parts to come by… There’s a fool born every minute appears to have never been truer.

  2. Scaryduck says:

    Unfortunately, there will almost certainly be more.

    Using a totally inappropriate Star Wars analogy, these were simply the padowan learners to the sith lord. Or something.

  3. Andy A says:

    As for the virgins, get this.

    … I am now informed that they are not human virgins at all, but merely raisins! According to the New York Times and of March 4, a scholar of ancient semitic languages, Christophe Luxenberg, has recently uncovered a koranic mistranslation, in which the original Syro-Aramaic word for ‘wite raisins’ (or ‘white grapes’?) was mistaken for a sililar word meaning ‘houris’. My informant comments that, however sweet, the asexual fruit said to await suicide bombers in paradise may prove a bit of a disappointment.

    Barbara Smoker, Freethinker, June 2002 (letter referring to a previous feature article she had written)

  4. Marc says:

    Is that where Steinbeck got the idea for the “The grapes of wrath” then? 😉

    Another article suggests that even if the translation *is* correct (which isn’t likely) that the Qu’ran does not promise *female* virgins, so either way they’re likely in for a bloody big shock! (Liberace would be proud)

  5. G. Tingey says:

    FIRST: What IS it about religion that causes people to switch their critical faculties off?

    SECOND: The people who are protesting about our presence in Iraq being the “cause” of the bombings are also wrong.
    I also don’t think we should have gone into Iraq, but, that has nothing at all to do with the attacks by the islamonazis against us.
    Those on the supposed “left” who are wailing on and on, are just more useful idiots, to borrow a phrase of Lenin.
    They are the present-day equivalents of those who opposed WWII between 1939 and June 1941, who rapidly changed their tune after Brabrossa started. And just as wilfully blind or stupid.
    This does not include the Quisling Tariq Ali.

  6. Andy L says:

    Well, I’d agree with you that anyone who states this is an exact response to the invasion of Iraq is being silly. However, if nothing else, they do have a point that the Iraq war has been a large distraction from trying to deal with these people, that has eaten up resources that could have been better used elsewhere to root out these fundamentalist nutters. In that way, surely it could be said to be a contributary factor. It also feeds nicely into the paranoid fantasies about the West being the enemy of the Middle East that those trying to recruit suicide bombers like to peddle, and makes their jobs easier.

    Surely no one could agrue that the war’s stated aim of “making us safter” has been successful?

  7. tom p says:

    The bombings may not be directly caused by the iraq war, just as no one incident in Northern Ireland’s history can be said to have directly caused the bombing campaign on the mainland, however what it did do is create a climate where armed resistance is seen as a justifiable response, one where there is a greater sympathy than there otherwise would have been for the preachers of hate and destruction.
    It’s this climate of hostility that has led to these prosetylisers of hate not being drummed out of the communities of britain and has allowed them to influence impressionable minds, as they always would given time and a voice.
    Oh, and G. Tingey, given that you seem to frequently miss the point by a country mile, it’s a bit rich of you to start calling other people idiots, useful or otherwise.

  8. G. Tingey says:

    Erm, Tom what climate of hostility?
    The same one that hindus and sikhs live in?
    Or the one my Sufi neighbour has – though according to islamofascists or salfis, he isn’t a muslim at all – he’s a “jew”

    Oh, and I opposed going into IRaq – and the yanks screwed up royally, but I also think we’d have been a target anway, because we are the corrupt and decadent “West” (lovely – give me more of it!)and to paraphrase/quote an islamicist website – Britain is the first enemy of Kilafah – because of the Balfour declaration …..

  9. tom p says:

    Sory, should’ve phrased that more clearly – climate of hostility towards the government.

    It doesn’t excuse the actions, nor does it fully explain them, but I’m convinced that this is a fundamental part of it.

    It was your comparrison of those of us still against the war and who feel that we made ourselves a bigger target than we otherwise would’ve been (and yes, of course we were a target, but there would’ve been far fewer sympathisers with the lunatics than there are, and thus we’d’ve been far less likely to hav been hit) to appeasers of hitler that got my goat.
    The invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with terrorism and everything to do with Blair wanting to stand firm behind Bush, because he figured it would give Britain more clout in Iraq once the yanks inevitably conquered it. To claim that we’re appeasing terrorists by pointing this out is disingenuous and, frankly, stupid.