Another “blasphemous” ad
The excellent Pagan Prattle carries an amusing story today, not quite within the MWW remit (it’s from Sierra Leone) but worth a blog on this quiet bank holiday Monday.
The World News reports that the Sierra Leon tax office is trying to shame Christians into paying their taxes with a Matthew 22:17-21-quoting newspaper ad (“Render unto Caesar..” etc) which concludes:
All Christians should follow the teachings and example of Jesus Christ. This week: pay your taxes.
Methodist pastor, Cyrl William described the ad as “blasphemy”, and called on the tax dept to drop the ad.
surely if they’re going to follow the example of jeebus they should befriend a tax man, not just pay their taxes
My understanding of blasphemy is that it is.. contemptuous or profane act, utterance, or writing concerning God or a sacred entity.
The act of claiming for oneself the attributes and rights of God.
An irreverent or impious act, attitude, or utterance in regard to something considered inviolable or sacrosanct
This is a serious attempt to appeal to people to take a course of action because it is recommended in the bible and is treating the quoted verse neither frivolously or impiously. Would an advert commanding people not to work on the sabbath be considered blashpemous?
That’s the problem with religions – they claim to be about saving souls when it’s all about controlling people. We really should be able to do away with religions, crucify all priests. It’s the only language these bastards understand