Vampyres make you mad
It has been a while since Stephen Green has graced the pages of this blog. His pronouncements are becoming increasingly irrelevant and dull, but the photo used to illustrate his latest outburst is so lovely that we just had to include it.
The object of his righteous wrath is GP Taylor, who is currently promoting his latest book, Vampyre Labyrinth. According to Green, the vicar-turned-novelist is attempting to involve young people in “the dangerous world of the occult”.
Says Green:
Shame on any head teacher who invites GP Taylor into their school with this book. It is up to head teachers to behave more responsibly and if I was a parent at a school that allowed him in I’d be straight up to the school and demanding answers from the head teacher.
Don’t get involved in those weird beliefs and practices. They can send you mad!
UPDATE: (Sept 30) Nanny Pattison of Mediawatch-UK has put her oar in as well, using the cooked-up controversy to push an idea of ratings for books:
The Vampire Labyrinth raises the question as to whether books should be classified as U/PG/15 or 18 and some kind of warning given to parents, as it contains scenes of graphic horror and violence, including stabbing, burning, torture and throat-ripping.
That’s one way to get the Bible out of schools. With all its violence and smut, it would have to be given an 18 certificate.
From the item’s comments:
Over in one.
Green has just shown why he is a first rate nut!
What Mr. Green fails to realise is that, unlike himself, most schoolchildren understand the difference between fantasy and reality.
What amuses me about GP Taylor is that every Halloween he would complain to the local paper (the Scarborough Evening News) about how it subject children to the occult, dark side etc…
Strange that after he started writing the complaints to the paper stopped…
I don’t think Mr Green would appreciate you using that picture. Didn’t you see the make-over he had for that TV slot a couple of months ago during a week of fleeting broadcasts about religion (‘Islam will soon take over because filthy poofs aren’t helping to make white babies’ or whatever his subject of choice was)? Grey-covering dye and a clean shave if you don’t mind. Sadly for him, nothing could turn the Birdshit into a Bird of Paradise.
The interesting thing about Bible thumping types is that they are only aware of a tiny proportion of the contents of their holy book. You would think that at least one cover to cover reading of it would be the minimum required for them to claim a shred of credibility. As you say, if there is going to be film style classifications for books then the Bible would have to be 18 rated and with a graphic warning sticker on the cover.
Read this letter!
I just finished reading a thread “Atheists rally to stop day of prayer in America” and it made me think that perhaps Christians should rally to stop the day of prayer in America. Growing up I supposed that anything religious ought to bring us closer to the one true God who revealled Himself in the Bible, and in my own heart through the life offered me in Jesus Christ.