Comments on: Dancing Pope leaflet offends Poles, is banned Watching. Pointing. Laughing. Wed, 01 Aug 2012 20:22:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: martyn Sat, 04 Apr 2009 13:15:36 +0000 I couldn’t give a xxxx

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By: Ivan Fri, 03 Apr 2009 12:13:31 +0000 “Perhaps to some it may have innocent connotations but to the majority of sensible people it is deeply upsetting”

And sensible people believe a little cracker washed down with a glug of plonk turns into the flesh and blood of a man allegedly wandering around the middle east two thousand years ago?

Of course, I could go on……….

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By: Stonygroud Thu, 02 Apr 2009 18:20:58 +0000 Luckily it is reaching the point where religiots crying “offence” is becoming like the boy who cried wolf. More and more people are responding to the bleatings of the offended with “so what?”

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By: Bobbob Thu, 02 Apr 2009 12:35:32 +0000 So the ASA ruled that this ad could not be shown again because it could cause serious offence.

I am seriously offended by those signs outside churches telling me that I am going to hell. I am seriously offended by soap operas (they are so patronising). I am seriously offended by pictures of the current pope, or any bishop for that matter. Can I have these banned?

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By: barriejohn Thu, 02 Apr 2009 09:27:56 +0000 PS No more jokes about Adolf Hitler then – he was Austrian!!!

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By: Richard T Thu, 02 Apr 2009 09:20:36 +0000 What’s the polish for Foxtrot Oscar?

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By: barriejohn Thu, 02 Apr 2009 07:01:23 +0000 I must say that when I first read this one I too thought it was an April Fool`s gag!! However, the story does appear elsewhere on the net, so if it is indeed true one can only ask “What the bloody hell has dissing a dead pope got to do with racial equality?!!”

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By: Stuart H. Wed, 01 Apr 2009 17:52:35 +0000 I’m quite willing to believe that just because the woman in the picture is dancing with a famous, thankfully now dead, bigot she may not share his views or have taken part in any of his antics. For all I know she may be a pillar of her community.
But how does Sheila Soltysik know she’s Polish?

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By: Andrew Nixon Wed, 01 Apr 2009 17:27:21 +0000 Not sure whether to call April Fools on this one or not…

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