Did New Scientist censor anti-creationist article?
Eyebrows are being raised at the pulling of an article called “How to spot a hidden religious agenda” from the New Scientist’s website. All that remains of the NS book reviewer’s analysis of tell-tale creationist tropes in supposedly scientific books and articles is a notice reading
New Scientist has received a complaint about the contents of this story. It has temporarily been removed while we investigate. Apologies for any inconvenience
Speculation is rife. Was it simple a case of hurt religious sentiments, in which case the magazine and its editor deserve all the backlash they get? Or was there a more sinister libel claim by one of the cretinists mentioned in the article, which would be more forgivable, but still hard to understand as it doesn’t take a lawyer to see that there is nothing remotely actionable in there.
What is more, the article appeared in the print edition of the magazine.
You can read the full text here.
UPDATE: (18:06) A new notice in place of the removed article confirms that this is a legal matter. We predict the article will be up again soon. (Thanks to the New Humanist for noticing.)
The few times I tried, the link (You can read the full text here – https://www.sott.net/articles/show/177635-How-to-spot-a-hidden-religious-agenda) IS BROKEN..
I suspect the following link, which works, is the text you mentioned..
It wasn’t broken, it was just using a dodgy security certificate. Mended now. Thanks.
I can’t see why this review was removed from the NS web-site as there is nothing to offend; not unless you are a religious idiot.
According to the New Humanist it was due to legal advice http://blog.newhumanist.org.uk/2009/03/whats-going-on-at-new-scientist.html
Thanks, D-Notice. I follow them on Twitter too. 🙂
Angela K: “Religious Idiots” are VERY easily offended!! Don`t say you hadn`t noticed!!!
Could be a plagiarism or copyright issue.