The Jewel of Medina back on the shelves in Serbia
In a dramatic u-turn, the publishing house which removed all copies of The Jewel of Medina from bookshops at the first sign of protest from a self-appointed, self-important mufti has apparently grown a pair, and put the novel back on the market.
Beobook publishing company director Aleksandar Jasic explained his change of heart by saying it would be “good for Serbia’s Muslim community” – and besides, since the withdrawal the book, became available on the black market for twice the price. Clearly, Beobook couldn’t stand the sight of profits getting into the hands of pirates.
Whatever the reasons, it is pleasant to note that the triumphant crowing of Serbian Muslim “leader” Muamer Zukorlic was all a bit premature. He had said,
I expect that no one will ever again with any publication insult Muslim sanctity. The Jewel of Medina will not have its second edition.
“. . . The Jewel of Medina will not have its second edition.”
Ignoring religion entirely, he may be right. I have read a excerpt from the prologue,
and it has firmly dissuaded me from buying the book.
An on the news today, Muslims are apparently “distrusted” (read, “probably feared and hated”) by over 25% of Europeans.
Looks like that’s no coincidence then.