Spanish Catholics demand legal protection from “offence”

Madrid Pride: Offensive to bigots, apparently. (Photo by David Reneses - click pic to go to Flickr page)
MWW has noted the censorious activities of Hazte Oir before, when they started a campaign against a TV station for making fun of Pope Benedict the Whatever. Now they are focusing their pious attention on Madrid Gay Pride 08, where they allege participants denigrated Catholic images and symbols, thus inciting “religious hatred”.
Misleadingly dubbed a “civil rights watchdog” by the Catholic News Agency, Hazte Oir have filed a complaint with Spain’s Attorney General against the organisers of the event.
Says its director Ignacio Arsuaga (pronounced “Arse-swagger”):
We are filing this complaint in order to ensure that in Spain you can no longer get off scot-free offending the Church, the symbols and the beliefs of the majority of Spanish society.
As Andy at the Pink Triangle Trust put it:
Aw, did little Catholics feel hurt, then? Is your ickle churchy-wurchy being cwiticised by those big bad perverts? Are they making fun, then? Diddums
Nuff said.
UPDATE: (2.30pm) Hazte Oir have put up a Flickr slideshow of the day, advertised sensationally on their site as “The photos no other news outlet will show you (Warning: some images may offend)”.
Warning: MWW readers will be disappointed.
[…] group Hazte Oir is objecting to the gay community. Specifically, they have filed a complaint (via) with Spain’s Attorney General this week against the organizers of a July 5 gay pride parade. […]