Archive for May, 2008

Prissy vandals

matalan swimwearAn advertising hoarding in Birmingham’s predominantly Muslim Sparkbrook area has been vandalised, prompting a councillor to call for more control over what is displayed in “culturally sensitive” areas.

Matalan’s poster for their latest range of ladies’ swimwear proved too provocative for the vandal, who used thick white paint to cover up the glistening whore-flesh before it defiled with lustful visions the pure minds of Sparkbrook’s Muslim males.

Councillor Talib Hussain:

I condemn the people that did this but at the same time it’s wrong for companies to put that kind of advert in sensitive wards.
I have received complaints on a number of occasions not to put adverts like that in Sparkbrook. The city council should not give permission to advertising like that in these wards. Having families seeing naked pictures does not bring the community together, it provokes things.

Christian Choice loses censorship case

The Christian Choice candidate for London Mayor has lost his High Court appeal against the BBC and ITV. As MWW revealed on 25 April, Alan Craig’s Party Election Broadcast was subject to revisions by the broadcasters because they thought some of the wording was potentially libellous to radical Islamic nut-jobs Tablighi Jamaat.

As it turns out, the BBC say that if Craig had challenged the revisions they would have “backed down and let them publish as they wished”. The judge in the case therefore dismissed the Christians’ claims of human rights breaches, saying they should have brought the legal challenge before the broadcast took place.

Hmm. Why would Christian Choice meekly roll over and agree to the broadcasters’ “commands” only to come back fighting with a human rights case after the broadcast took place? It can’t be because they wanted to play the victim card. Christians do not like to think of themselves as being persecuted for their beliefs (do they?). And the fact that the story was picked up by the papers only few days before the polls opened …

OK, we admit it. We were duped by zombie-worshipping fundies playing the victim card in the run up to the local elections. Yes, we do feel silly.

At least Alan Craig was ordered to pay the BBC’s £11,875 legal costs. Every cloud…

UPDATE: (16 Dec, 2008) Note that the Alan Craig referred to in this article is NOT the Alan V Craig of the NASUWT teachers’ union (as Alan V Craig is understandably keen to point out in the comments below).