Motoons 2.0 update

The Comics Reporter brings us a useful roundup of Motoons news.

First, the good news that Belarus’s Supreme Court freed Alexander Sdvizhkov, who was jailed for publishing the Motoons in the independent newspaper Zgoda. He had been sentenced to 3 years last month, but was released on Friday after having his sentence reduced to 3 months “on health and humanitarian considerations”.

The rest is the usual roundup of outrage and sit-ins: the sane and civilised Sudanese president “has directed that all Danish officials and diplomats should not be received by Sudanese officials and that all Danish organizations operating in the country should be expelled and all Danish goods boycotted”.

The Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe (FIOE) denounced the republication, saying that they “challenged the feelings of a billion and a half Muslims”.

The media in Jordan are launching a campaign of articles and editorials (hey, it’s an improvement on rioting at least). Zakaria Sheikh, editor of Fact International said

We will stand united and firm to fight Christian Zionists who seek to harm the image of Islam under the pretext of defending the freedom of expression.

They are in fact violating this freedom. They use the media to implement their scheme, and we will use the same means to counter them.

Well done, Sheikh – you get the idea!

The campaign will also demand laws that criminalise and ban blaspheming Islam and the prophet.

Oh, now you’ve gone and spoiled it all.

More than 1,000 Danish websites were hacked by a Saudi script-kiddy calling himself United Arab Hackers. The sites were mostly small local affairs.

Finally, The Freethinker brings the ominous news that Hamas have put their infamous bunny, Assud, on the case.

If they do it again, Saraa [Saraa Barhoum, who hosts the show], we will kill them, right? … I will bite them and eat them up.


5 Responses to “Motoons 2.0 update”

  1. Strappado says:

    If I saw that bunny on the street I’d kick him in his groin, just to fix his voice.

  2. Aharon says:

    However, the attitude that produces such bunnies, unfortunately ensures the west continued support for israeli oppression operations.. There’s an irony there.. 😉

  3. NoJags Neil says:

    I’m feeling left out here. I want to be denounced, boycotted, and expelled.

    I’m Spartacus!!!

  4. martyn says:

    No, I’m Brian and so’s my wife!

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