Motoon murder plotters arrested in Denmark
The AP reports that Danish police have arrested several Muslims in Aarhus, western Denmark, who were plotting to murder one of the Danish Mo-toonists.
Although the police did not say which cartoonist was being targetted, the Jyllands-Posten believes it is the 73-year-old Kurt Westergaard, creator of the iconic “Turbomb” image. He is pretty pissed off:
Of course I fear for my life when the police intelligence service say that some people have concrete plans to kill me. But I have turned fear into anger and resentment.
The AFP has a quote from Carsten Juste, editor of the JP, who is also angry:
It is shameful that a man who is doing his job well and in accordance with Danish law and press ethics is rewarded with demonisation and concrete murder threats.
By contrast, the idiotic Kasem Said Ahmad, a spokesman for the Islamic Community in Denmark, rather than condemning the would-be murderers, took an “I told you so” line:
We have warned that the situation could get out of control. […] We urge Muslims to take it calmly.
Great. A group of Muslims take offence at the suggestion that Islam can inspire violence and decide that the best way to protest about this is to murder an old man. They are foiled in their attempt, so now Kasem Ahmad feels it necessary to urge other Muslims to be calm – not about the fact that there are murderers in their midst, but because they were arrested before they could carry out their plan.
As ever, the best reaction to such events is to republish the “offending” images. Eventually the message might get through that the more they make a fuss, the greater the offence will be amplified, so that any unlawful reaction will be counter-productive.
It is thanks to the Danish imams, who touted the Motoons around the Middle East in a successful attempt to stir up trouble, that Westergaard’s “Turbomb” has come to rival the crescent moon as an internationally recognised symbol of Islam.
Nice work boys.
Such an iconic image now as well, well done Kurt, I salute you.