Lars Vilks on CNN

CNN have a profile of Lars Vilks, the Swedish Modog artist with an al-Qaeda bounty on his head.

The video is well worth a watch. It contains an interview with a demented burka declaring its intention to “slaughter Vilks like a lamb”.

The phlegmatic Vilks remains unruffled throughout; checking his car for bombs and sneaking through gardens to his safe house every night with amused resignation.

At one point during the interview he receives a death threat by text: “I will kill you, you son of a bitch.”

“Why aren’t you frightened?” asks the astonished reporter.

“You get used to it,” replies Vilks with a smile and a shrug.

CNN, by contrast, did not have the courage show any of his cartoons on air.

UPDATE: Lars Vilks has acquired a guard dog and named it Muhammed. It is a bitch.

6 Responses to “Lars Vilks on CNN”

  1. martyn says:

    WTF has happened to Darth Vaders voice in that interview?

  2. marc says:

    CNN and courage in the same sentence? Now that’s something you don’t see every day.

  3. martyn says:

    Looking at the picture of Lars without my specks on and he does look a bit like an aged, disheveled Han Solo…..just me then;)

  4. marc says:

    Han was disheveled to start with wasn’t he? Put yer gegs back on Martyn! 😉

  5. martyn says:

    Ahh I see! May the farce be with you!

  6. Muslims Against Sharia praise the courage of Lars Vilks, Ulf Johansson, Thorbjorn Larsson and the staff of Nerikes Allehanda and Dagens Nyheter and condemn threats issued by Abu Omar Al Baghdadi and the Islamic State of Iraq. Muslims Against Sharia will provide a payment of 100,000kr (about $15,000) for the information leading to capture or neutralization of Abu Omar Al Baghdadi.

    Muslimer mot Sharia berömmer Lars Vilks, Ulf Johansson, Torbjörn Larsson och övriga anställda på Nerikes Allehanda och Dagens Nyheter för deras tapperhet och fördömer hotet från Abu Omar Al Baghdadi och Islamistiska Iraq. Muslimer mot Sharia betalar 100 000 SEK (ca 15 000$) för information som leder till gripande eller oskadligörande av Abu Omar Al Baghdadi.

    Muslims Against Sharia

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