Archive for June, 2007

Goddess’s pants removed

goddes pants
A Belgian firm has removed from production a pair of men’s underpants bearing the image of the Hindu goddess Lakshmi.

Dod apologised profusely to the Hindu community following strong complaints (2 in number, judging from the INEPEXT report):

Please accept our deepest apologies, we respect all religions and didn’t mean any harm

it whimpered.

ONe Sumit Chatterjee, “a long-time Indian resident in Belgium” said in his protest letter

I was deeply shocked and astounded to see the picture of our Goddess Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth printed on an undergarment being displayed at your shops

The other complainant was a Mr Kapoor Chand Prem, who said the garment was an “insult to our religion and culture”.

What’s a poor pants seller to do?

we are very sorry for having offended you, but not being conscious of the origin of the picture, we didn’t do it on purpose.

Of course all these items will be sent back to where they came from and today I will ask the shop to take them out of the shelves