Recycled outrage from The Daily Mail
The Daily Mail has shamelessly recycled a story about Channel 4’s The Virgin School.
December 2nd, 2006 Daily Mail reporter Paul Revoir wrote a piece on the show. This was the opening paragraph:
Channel 4 sparked outrage yesterday after it was revealed it is
making a new show which will feature a male virgin being taught how
to have sex.
Yesterday, May 16th 2007, he wrote another piece. This was the opening paragraph:
Channel 4 sparked outrage after it screened a new show which featured a male virgin being taught how to have sex.
The article goes on to recycle much of the same material. It even uses the same “beggars belief” John Beyer quote which MWW reported the first time round. Quality journalism.
Its obvious that these “outraged” people (if they exist of course) didnt see the show, since it was more to do with him boosting his confidence than getting his leg over.
Ah but the trails did show him looking at live women showing him their rude bits. 😉
Live women have rude bits? Well you learn something every day. Latex Lucy is in for a shock when I tell her this evening as well.
Nice of Paul Revior’s outrage to get ongoing national news coverage like this, eh?