Comments on: Virgin School Watching. Pointing. Laughing. Wed, 01 Aug 2012 20:22:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Graham Deans Williamson Tue, 05 Dec 2006 17:48:29 +0000 Fair enough – you have to observe a proper swearatological protocol in instances like this.

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By: Nick Tue, 05 Dec 2006 11:50:29 +0000 Graham,
Although I agree with your general premise, I think that you are a bit harsh on Lawson, I’d just up him down as a pompous twat.

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By: Graham Deans Williamson Mon, 04 Dec 2006 09:59:58 +0000 MavsWorld – I agree. It’s a bit sad that there’s no voice in the media for people who want quality television (and by “quality television” I mean “television which is genuinely thought-provoking and intelligent”, rather than “television where no-one says fuck and married couples can only be seen in bed if they have one foot on the floor”, which some people seem to have rather oddly defined it as).

On the one hand you have people like Beyer, whose idiocy needs no introduction on this site. On the other you have cunts like Russell T Davies and Mark Lawson, telling us that if you don’t find Channel 4’s new line-up of reality crap to be the most entertaining and meaningful programming in the history of the medium then you’re a snob who hates the working classes (you know, those funny smelly people who neither Davies nor Lawson have ever actually met a member of). I wish there was some way we could shut both sides up…

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By: MavsWorld Mon, 04 Dec 2006 01:19:27 +0000 It’s a little sad that humanity’s morales make this something worth putting on tv. Quite frankly I think it’s a little sad that there’s so much controversy over a show which sounds so trivial. The even sadder point is that by attacking it, these critics will just increase the ammount of people watching it. Heck, I would never have heard of it if it hadn’t been in a newspaper. Now I want to see it just to see if it’s really as bad as the critics are saying it is, though I’ll probs never get round to it.

In all honesty though I see no point to a programme like this, it just seems like C4 trying to push what they can get away with to create this sort of effect to increase viewers. It’s not a serious programme, it’s a marketing tool.

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By: Stuart Sun, 03 Dec 2006 15:54:15 +0000 Some would say that an adult who spends his life groaning in scandalized shock at anything to do with sex on TV is the one who needs to “grow up.”

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