Comments on: French philosophers rally behind Redeker Watching. Pointing. Laughing. Wed, 01 Aug 2012 20:22:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marc Draco Fri, 06 Oct 2006 00:25:25 +0000 Monitor has it right there. Sure, we can alll go around making idle threats, but there is a point at which you’ve got to say, “this threat is serious.”

I’ve heard conflicting reports about the Turk. Some now say there were two of them??? And he wasn’t really protesting about the Pope.

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By: Monitor Wed, 04 Oct 2006 09:56:20 +0000 Sunny, your point about people getting scared too easily is an important one. Cancelling Idomeneo when there wasn’t so much as a squeak from any religious party is an example. The recent “hijacking” is another – an unarmed, non-aggressive Turk in a tracksuit requests the plane be diverted to Rome because he’s “protesting about the Pope”, so the captain shits himself and capitulates. Why? Because the “hijacker” looks like a Muslim and is therefore a murderous maniac?

Having said that, the threats to Redeker appeared on several websites – one including a map to his home, with the words “this pig must be decaptated” – and also came via email. I think these have to be taken seriously.

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By: Sunny Wed, 04 Oct 2006 01:43:03 +0000 Ok I accept there are lots of nutjobs walking out there… but all this hoo-haa because of some internet statement?

So any kid can go to some internet forum, make a threat and suddenly the entire country is in meltdown. I think the French need to get a grip to a certain extent.

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By: Marc Draco Tue, 03 Oct 2006 16:30:13 +0000 Express views, yes. Blow shit up or threaten people? No bloody way.

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