Stephen Green thinks he is normal

Pink News reports that Stephen “Dog Shit” Green of Christian Voice has lodged an official complaint with Sussex police after police chief Joe Edwards took part in Brighton’s gay pride parade on Saturday. CV had fielded a counter-protest of about six Bible-quote-placard-wielding fundamentalists.

Green has interpreted the police chief’s participation in the event in an idiosyncratic way:

What he’s saying to the Christian people of Sussex is that he holds their faith in contempt. That’s a very serious thing.


He also called for the arrest, under the Sexual Offences Act 2003, of two men kissing. No arrest was made. The public spectacle of a same-sex kiss was, apparently

offensive to normal people.

The remarkable thing is that Stephen Green genuinely considers himself qualified to make such a judgement.

6 Responses to “Stephen Green thinks he is normal”

  1. martyn says:

    I am proud to say I do hold their faith in contempt, not that it’s a serious thing at all really.

  2. Certainly… if someone believes something completely and utterly stupid, we are only too right to hold their idiotic beliefs in contempt!

    If someone believes something completely and utterly stupid as well as blatantly malicious and unpleasant, then why stop at just holding the ideas in contempt? I say hold the nasty bastards in utter contempt too.

    Fuck them, and their fucking vicious ideas, and do it with a smile on your face!

  3. Perhaps another example of personal opinions being voiced with the weapon of religion.

  4. David Clark says:

    Just watched this moron on the heaven and earth show, googled him and ended up
    I’d love to get the opinion of this man on the following..
    He believes that God created everything? SO, God created homosexuals?
    and if God is always right therefore it must be OK to to be homosexual
    ans if you disagree you are undermining God?
    To which he would no doubt quote the bible but man qrote the bible not god.
    Also does he think that Homosexuals are choosing to be homosexual? to perhaps
    against god? Any more than I choose to be be straight, it’s ridiculous.
    I remember also reading about a study that was undertaken recently
    which suggested that homosexual men are formed in the womb due to larger than
    normal amounts of estrogen in the mother. But I bet he doesn’t believe in science
    either. Who we are and how we turn out is very much due to genetics and luck.
    I really hate bigots, especially religious bigots as when you confront them with
    their fucked up ideas and ask them to justify them they just say because I belive
    it. weak minded brainwashed fools.

  5. Jonathan says:

    Hi David,

    Stephen believes that homosexuality is a chosen ‘lifestyle’ and not what God wants for us at all.

    The link above is from his website and he goes into more about things there. He also believes that Hurricane Katrina was sent down from Heaven to purify that part of the world from homosexual ‘perversion’ the type seen at the big gay event in New Orleans called Decadence.

    It amazes me that he’s allowed on the tv yet Nick Griffin isn’t when, in my opinion, they are made of the same stuff. The interesting thing though is that the BNP have tried to distance themselves from Stephen Green as they believe him to be warped!

  6. Just wondering if you were aware of the recet arrest of the infamous homophobe Stephen
    Green ofthe Christian Voice organisation.

    See below link for details: