JS: TO record protests and sales in Cardiff
The BBC reports that the Millennium Centre was blessed with a record number of anti-Springer protestors last night – as well as the highest ticket sales of the tour so far.
Archbishop Barry Morgan gave his usual quote:
It really does belittle the Christian faith and if something like this was produced about the Prophet Muhammad there would be a riot.
UPDATE: The BNP were in attendance at the Cardiff demo.
Quite likely, Baz, but then xtians tend not to go around blowing-up tube trains and slicing people’s heads off. Unless, of course, this is about to become the official policy of the Cardiff Diocese…
Funny how Chrisianity boasts how big it is when it suits it, but how it believes a mere opera can “belittle the Christian faith”. If I believed in, loved, respected and had faith in a religion or a deity or that deity’s lieutenants in whatever form they are, I don’t think I’d be too worried what mere mortals said about it or what they depicted in their puny little theatres and artistic endeavours. Bit like the Muzzies: God is great, oh yes, and Mo is the only prophet, good chap, up there with the best, but don’t draw cartoons, please, because that gets us ever so upset and boohoo pleasestopitorwe’llscreamandscreamandscream!
I went last night and I was very pleasantly surprised by the whole affair. Biggest surprises: how woefully wrong the “witnessing” christians outside had gotten things, how much their presence actually added to the sense of occasion, and how there is no actual blasphemy. Except what the Devil does, which is sorta his job.
[…] The BBC (via) reports that the Wales Millennium Centre saw one of the largest protests so far when Jerry Springer: The Opera opened on Monday – along with the the highest ticket sales of the tour so far. […]
What the author of that sign conveniently (as is always the case) ignores is that both Hitler and Springer were/are christians…
Never let the truth be known when ridiculous hate-speech can be used instead, eh?