Respect our spooks
According to ICLiverpool by Adrian Butler, either “hundreds” or “around 1000” anti-JS:TO protestors turned up at the opening night at the Liverpool Empire.
They sang hymns and waved placards saying things like “Theatre backs hate”, “They wouldn’t treat Mohammed this way”, and “Springer Opera Mocks our Faith”.
“They wouldn’t treat Mohammed that way.” Yeah. There’s just the little question of being assassinated or kicked to a pulp.
These guys take instructions from a bloke in a dress who walks round with a knob on his head and they’re worried about people mocking their faith?
Just been looking at the pics that go with this report. 1000? Obviously the Liverpool chapter of the Confederation of Invisible Christians was out in full force…
It’s worth reading what the Daily Post’s Arts Editor has to say (page 3 of the article). JStO is one of the best shows I’ve ever seen.