Religions unite against DVC
Following the lead of their Indian counterparts (see below), Muslim leaders in Russia and Azerbaijan have joined the chorus calling for The Da Vinci Code to be banned.
The head of the Islamic party of Azerbaijan said:
Lack of respect for the feelings of believers, whether they are Muslims, Christians or representatives of other world religions, is inadmissable.
In Russia, the Central Spiritual Directorate of Muslims branded the film:
an highly sophisticated form of spiritual genocide against the peoples of Russia.
With a Jewish and Christian alliance in America calling for a boycott as well, perhaps it is time to get all these would-be censors together under a single umbrella group. A suggested name: the Alliance of the Religious, Self-important and Excessively Sensitive.
Under a single roof, rather, supported by heavy walls with bars on the windows – looped, videos in all rooms (on vandal-proof screens) of Da Vinci, Springer and The Life of Brian – and conveniently lose the bloody key.
Not a bad idea Andy. It’ll mean they can actually watch the things they’re complaining about.
Um, hang on…JEWS up in arms about it? Jews do not even recognise Jesus as the Son of God OR a prophet. It would be in their best interest to see Jesus being teartde ike this.
And Christians and Muslims getting together, again, Muslims think Jesus is ‘just’ a prophet and Christians MUST believe that Mohammed is either a nutter who saw a angel mirage in the desert or a liar who DID not see an angel but said he did to set a religion up.
Wow, that bandwagon must be bigger than the new A380. I guess that religious self importance leads to a hyperbole addiction.
[…] Although standards may have slipped, you’d think genocide would still be a strong word. According to mediawatchwatch, the Russian Central Spiritual Directorate of Muslims recently used it in a press statement. Wow. Clearly, something big must be going on if the word ‘genocide’ is being used. What is this terrible event? […]
“Under a single roof, rather, supported by heavy walls with bars on the windows”
Andy, how about just under a heavy roof with no walls??
Meanwhile, back on the ranch,
which gave me a giggle. I’ve been knocking out stickers like the cigarette packet warnings, but changing the smoking to religion. Some need a few other bits changing but it all works out well.
Fab Martyn. Nearly fell of my chair and really, its the sort of thing that churches really SHOULD be putting on them! Most of the established churches admit or accept that most of the bible is at best, anecdotal and its only the loons that take it literally.
A.R.S.E.S. I like it. 🙂
Most of the Christians I’ve heard from about this, tend to feel that the historical evidence is well in their favour (i.e. against dan brown’s assertations) and hence see the DVC as an excellent oppertunity to discuss their views.
Because a healthy young bloke never getting married in a culture where marriage was pratically compulsary, then being executed and coming back to life is so much more likely than said healthy young bloke getting married and having kids isn’t it?