Beyer thinks Big Brother “has got boring”
Reuters UK reports on the start of the latest series of Big Brother. Mediawatch-UK is inaccurately described as “a group which campaigns for better standards on television”, and John Beyer is quoted as saying
It has all got so boring
Which implies that used to find it quite interesting.
It is likely to be abrasive, with a whole lot of obscene language. I think it has had its day.
Once again suggesting that, for Mr Beyer, Big Brother did indeed once have a “day”. Much like the Black and White Minstrel Show.
I would watch it, but the last 10 minutes of the first show clash with the first episode of the new series of Penn and Teller Bullshit, so I’ll give it a miss this year.
I wouldn’t watch BB if the only alternative were watching cricket. However, I like Monitor’s telling comment on the Reuters reporting when he says that “Mediawatch-UK is inaccurately described as ‘a group which campaigns for better standards on television’†It’s typical of most reporting: absolutely nonquestioning. I’m not suggesting a reporter of an ordinary news story (as opposed to a feature article) should make value judgements, just that he or she should not use value words such as better without qualifying them with such modifiers as allegedly; or should recast the sentence to include “a group that claims to campaign for” or “a group that campaigns for what it sees as ‘better standards'”
It’s just sloppy journalism, but it’s as dangerous as, if not more dangerous than, the toxic nonsense that comes from the mouhts of the likes of Beyer and his religionist cronies, because it’s insidious, manufacturing our acceptance of such notions without our knowing. Just a thought …
I’ll watch it just to spite him.
NO WAY! Andrew – When is Bullshit back on? And What channel. Dude! I gotsta see it!
FX, 10pm Thursday nights. You’ll need Sky or cable of course. They’re repeating the first series straight after each episode too!
The episode you’ve missed is repeated at midnight tonight, but you might want to avoid it if you’re squeamish……
Back of the net Andrew! Just in time for me too! It’s on the planner with a note of thanks! (I’m clutching my nuts already as its recording in the background. OUCH!)
Dear god! I vote for a national “punch a Rabbi in the nuts day” until they stop hurting kids, we really should protest these idiotic ideas! Funny how I got into trouble for swearing at a radiologist (for hurting my baby daughter) and these bastards get away with this every single day. It’s ritual child abuse!
One wonders what Beyer and the other usual suspects would make of that programme?
He misses Kinga’s tits.
“Funny how I got into trouble for swearing at a radiologist”
Was it the one from the Green wing?
Big brother:
It’s not half as boring as the repressive crap that comes from mediawatch and Mr. Beyer himself.
Anyway, my wife likes it.