BBC to broadcast Mo toons

The Scotsman reports that the BBC will broadcast the offending cartoons, just so that people will know what all the fuss is about

Oh, and there’s a very good wikipedia entry on the whole affair.

(Tipped from Harry’s Place)

4 Responses to “BBC to broadcast Mo toons”

  1. Andy A says:

    Seems to be a new blog at devoted to the matter (and reproduces the images, and has one or two interesting links).

  2. Andrew Nixon says:

    They’re talking about this on the Jeremy Vine show, and the Guardian’s cartoonist has a few good points. My favourite is his idea for a cartoon: Muhammad sitting in a chair, reading a newspaper, saying “These look nothing like me”.

    Surely there’s an artist amongst us who can beat him to it?

  3. Andrew Nixon says:

    It looks like the nutters have missed a few things over hostory:

  4. […] They also note that there is now a Wikipedia entry on the whole affair. […]