Gilbert and George
There have been rumblingsfor a while about Gilbert and George’s new exhibition at the White Cube Gallery (warning: hideous Flash site. Someone should complain). Sonofagod Pictures: Was Jesus Heterosexual opened today.
Tory MP Anne Widdecombe has already complained furiously. She thinks it is
blasphemous in the extreme, as [Gilbert and George] will find out when finally they stand before the Son of God
Glibert and George respond:
Gilbert: ‘Christians are abusive to humans – to women, to queers. They threaten us with hell’.
George: ‘That’s offensive, not us.’
Wouldn’t you just love these geezers as your older relatives? Their comments in the Observer on the utter blandness of art made by folk half their age were so refreshing.
I wonder if they’d be godlessparents to my daughter if I asked them? She’s surrounded by such dull role models and I feel I ought to raise her expectations a bit.
Incidentally, I once silenced a fundamentalist pillock myself by asking, ‘Where exactly in the Bible does it say Jesus was a heterosexual anyway?
The views of Ann Widecombe shows why we should all be greatful that she still is not in office.
Hear, hear. I want to email Shirley Williams – who does seem to have her head screwed on the right way – but can’t get her email address. I’ll have to use snail mail. Poo.
Dawkins explains it: when the Bible was written we thought that homosexuality was a choice – now we *know* different, this sort of bullshit (which is already offensive) should be made illegal.