Ex-archbishop calls for blasphemy law to be abolished

From The Guardian: George Carey, the former archbishop of Canterbury, backs the abolition of the UK’s blasphemy law which exists to protect “the tenets and beliefs of the Church of England”.

Speaking at yesterday’s unveiling of the compromise proposals (see below), Carey said:

I don’t think within the Church of England there will be much opposition. It seems to be that the time has come to look at it very critically and say it’s redundant. Then we even out the playing field. It needs to be removed and maybe if it had been then we would have had a better bill before us now. […]

It’s good for religion to be knocked and challenged … we may need that criticism

The amendment to the bill was proposed by Liberal Democrat peer Lord Avebury. Read the full text of the amendment here.

One Response to “Ex-archbishop calls for blasphemy law to be abolished”

  1. marc says:

    They do need to be criticised – and thrown out of unelected positions of power where they hinder progress. But now our Tony wants to prevent us even doing that. I wish I could move off this planet sometimes.