Madonna to face punishment from Heaven
Madonna is in trouble with God because of a song on her forthcoming album. Titled Isaac, the song is a tribute to one of the founders of the mystical Jewish Kabbalah movement, of which Madonna and husband Guy Ritchie are keen followers.
Naughty Madonna shouldn’t have used Yitshak Luria’s name, according to Rabbi Rafael Cohen, who told Israeli newspaper, Maariv:
There is a prohibition in Jewish law against using the holy name of our master, the Sage Isaac, for profit. This is an inappropriate act, and one can only pity her at the punishment she will receive from Heaven.
The ‘Ari’ is holy and pure, and immodest people cannot sing about him.
Altogether now.
I once stood up in a church and demanded that God strike me down that instant – if only to prove to others that it exists.
The fact that nearly 25 years on I am still here speaks volumes.
To be fair, it at least doesn’t appear that he’s saying the record should be banned or anything. If he wants to say Madge will go to Hell, fair enough, as long as that’s all he does. If his religion is incorrect he’s wrong. If his religion is correct I think Madonna already has a fair bit to worry about there regardles of this.
People can tell me I’m going to Hell all they like, given I don’t think it even exists. It’s when they try and prevent me and others doing things based on illogical reasoning while I’m alive and actually do exist that bothers me.