Comments on: Beyer on the bottle-wank Watching. Pointing. Laughing. Wed, 01 Aug 2012 20:22:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Paul Sun, 06 Aug 2006 01:41:26 +0000 it makes me laugh that Beyer goes on about decency and yet he is a long term bodybuilder and no doubt spends many hours each week pumping iron around other people and showing his massive body of in gym mirrors.

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By: Marc Sat, 06 Aug 2005 00:22:32 +0000 What makes me laugh with BB is the way it encourages outrageous behaviour by mixing a bunch of specially picked odd-balls and leaving them all locked up in a largely closed system and pretty much to their own devices. If this was done as a proper psychological experiment it would probably attract a lot of criticism.

I guffawed heartily when I heard that a contestant had done an impression of the grossly unfunny Avid Merrion (aka Leigh Francis) and *insulted* “big brother” – actually a young, female researcher. (I don’t like Merrion not because he’s offensive or debases celebrities, but that he’s about as a funny as a road accident.) At the time, while convulsing with laughter all I could think of was, “What the hell do they expect?”

How sarcastic and puerile of the producers to admonish the guilty contestant for offending the poor girl’s sensibilities. Sounds to me like Frankenstien telling his off his monster for killing people; or feeding the dog baked beans and then complaining when it farts.

It would be interesting to lock up Beyer and some of his mates in the big brother house to see how long they can retain an air of sanity. Better still, just lock him up.

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By: Marc Sat, 06 Aug 2005 00:06:46 +0000 Cheers Rambler. As I recall, NBK was a pretty crap film anyway, I don’t really know what the fuss was about – Oly Stone is a very variable director. Obviously I didn’t pay it (NBK) sufficient attention because I don’t remember it glamorising incest or under-age sex. I guess I’ll have to go and rent it to re-examine the evidence.

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By: Christopher Shell Fri, 05 Aug 2005 16:08:56 +0000 If everything was above board, why did they need to ‘edit’ it, or ‘leave [anything] to the inmagination’ in the first place? Or are you just referring to the normal editing process whereby highlights are obtained? It is the whole concept of BB that leads to such incidents being inevitable in the first place.

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By: Dan Factor Fri, 05 Aug 2005 15:16:43 +0000 I would love to invite John Beyer into my home and for him to go through my dvd and video collection. I am sure he would find many films he thinks I should not be allowed to watch on the basis they might corrupt me.

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By: Retired Rambler Fri, 05 Aug 2005 13:33:41 +0000 Marc,
Fury over killer vids

An uncut version of the controversial film Natural Born Killers will finally be available on video tomorrow despite fears that it could lead to copycat attacks. The video release of the film in which 52 people die was delayed for five years after the Dunblane Massacre. But Warner Brothers claim a lot of people still want to see it. John Beyer, of pressure group mediawatch-uk said: “There are not enough bad things to say about this movie. It glamorises drugs, violence, gun use, under age sex and incest”. Sunday Mirror 8/7/2001

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By: Andy L Fri, 05 Aug 2005 11:52:23 +0000 Kinga came into the house a month ago with Eugine and Orlaith, but they were segregated into a seperate section and didn’t get to mix with the other housemates (except for Makosi, who had to give them food). After a few days Makosi was forced to choose two to get introduced to the house proper, with one person getting effectively evicted before they went in. That person was Kinga. However, when Orlaith walked out of the show last week (rather than being evicted), they were left a person short, so Kinga was effecively made re-eligable by default and was put in the house.

So now you know. And in the immortal words of Action Force, knowing is half the battle.

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By: tom p Fri, 05 Aug 2005 08:37:55 +0000 I don’t watch big brother because it simply is voyeuristic trash full of tedious morons intent on self-promotion. However, according to the guardian’s report of this, she was voted out by the other tards, but brought back to add a little more tension into the dynamic, and ‘cos she’s a desperate slapper who’ll get them some more press coverage from the predictably rentaquote likes of beyer

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By: Marc Thu, 04 Aug 2005 23:09:09 +0000 Here’s what he needs to install on his telly, pc and any source of outside influence…

Or maybe he should just have a blindfold and earmuffs surgically attached to his bonce.

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By: Ah Thu, 04 Aug 2005 23:08:53 +0000 It seems she has been brought back on. Seen some pics, and all i can say is i am definitly in favour of encoruaging more Polish and Kuwaiti people to move here and have children together.

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