Comments on: Asbo threat for village Pope-joker Watching. Pointing. Laughing. Wed, 01 Aug 2012 20:22:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Christopher Shell Fri, 22 Apr 2005 14:24:15 +0000 Yeah and I bet a lot of people wish they could wake up and find that this JR was all a dream.
(In fact many probably wish he would suffer the dream-fate of the Dallas JR.)

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By: tom p Fri, 22 Apr 2005 13:04:57 +0000 JR was exposed to Nazism at an early age? Perhaps that explains why he was such a bastard in Dallas then

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By: Christopher Shell Thu, 21 Apr 2005 14:54:34 +0000 G. Tingey-

You are not alone in pointing out the similarities between Nazi and Catholic absolutisms. Goodness knows whether there is anything in this – though of course JR was exposed to Nazism at a formative age. Of course, there are plenty of absolutisms in life: e.g. treating relativism and personal liberty as absolutes. If all that Nazism and Catholicism have in common is absolutism, then this is not a significant link, since the majority of worldviews and ideologies are absolutist about some matters.

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By: Christopher Shell Thu, 21 Apr 2005 14:50:45 +0000 Tom-
You make a good point on proof. Yes, it exists in many other arenas – e.g., logical and legal. I suppose that my point is that there are various arenas in which it is hard to obtain copper-bottomed proof; sometimes these arenas are important ones with wide implications, and it can be better to be safe than sorry – hence it can sometimes be wise to adopt a policy of accepting strong statistical evidence that does not strictly amount to proof.
All we ever need to do is go where the stats lead.

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By: G. Tingey Thu, 21 Apr 2005 09:28:17 +0000 Cardinal Josef Ratpoison elected Pope – takes name of Benito II.

By our religious correspondent N. Gascoine.

On being elected Pope, the much-feared (shouldn’t that be respected? – ed.)
Cardinal Josef Ratpoison made a speech to cheering crowds in the Vatican

“I am zo pleased to be elected your Guide and Leader, and to carry on the
Great Struggle which has been led by many of my predecessors in ze past.
Zis struggle is my struggle, also, and building on our great successes, ve
should be able to complete our conquest of all of Europe. Ve have long
since conquered Poland, thanks to my predecessor, and now, with the
re-creation of ze Rome-Berlin Axis we can recommence ze drive to the East,
spearheded by out loyal followers in Livonia.
Only ze protestant and unbeliving British stand against us in our drive to
bring ze whole of Europe under our command, und since ve already have
Latinamerika, ze vorld is in our grasp.
In order to speed up out conquest ( Sorry, I meant conversion zere!) I am
designating the younger and more vigorous members of OSD and Opus Dei as the
Special Sacramental Brigade ( Sacramenta Staffeln auf Deutsch) who will wear
special black-leather cassocks to distinguish them as ze stormtroopers of ze
faith. The great struggle should not be nearly as difficult as ze last
time, since ve already have sympathisers in ze person of ze British prime
Minister Bliar und seiner Frau, die heiligine Cherie. With zis fith-column,
und ze coming prohibition of criticism of religion in Britain, as proposed
by Herr Bliar, ve can look forward to ze establishment of ze thousand-Year
reign of ze catholic Reich.
As Holy Roman Emporer of ze German Nation, I salute you all.”

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By: tom p Wed, 20 Apr 2005 13:33:35 +0000 “Dr”, you’ve missed the point (again!) of what Alex was saying. He/She did not mention christian voice or mediawatch at all, simply pointing out that what the rival webmaster was threatening to do was utterly wrong.

Also, proof is not just a “mathematical thing”, but an important concept that needs to be at the heart of a legal system. For example, one could examine your computer records to prove that you had visited this website. Although there are a lot of “mathematical thing”s in computers, one could hardly call such a proof mathematical.

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By: Christopher Shell Wed, 20 Apr 2005 12:45:00 +0000 Hi Alex-

Good points, although:
(1) Why are you reacting as though mediawatch / CV etc were saying something new? They are merely seeking to retain standards that have held for long periods in many countries: standards devised in a less materialistic and individualistic age by people who were not stupid.
(2) Proof is hard to obtain (since proof is a mathematical thing)- yet any number of studies have already been done, and future ones would only duplicate them.

Hi Monitor-
In my experience, ‘bad-because-old’ is the main colloquial meaning of the word ‘primitive’, and ‘bad-because-old-fashioned’ is the main colloquial meaning of ‘reactionary’. Both meanings are incoherent, but those using the words in this way may not have thought the matter through enough to realise that they are incoherent.

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By: Monitor Tue, 19 Apr 2005 21:20:36 +0000 No news as yet, but Mitch will keep us informed when anything happens.

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By: G. Tingey Tue, 19 Apr 2005 09:06:03 +0000 What is the state of play on this?
I assume “the authorities” will have told Mr Humm not to be stupid, childish and petty – after all that’s their area!

Seriously, it is to be hoped there is a LOT of local and national publicity about this religious spite.

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By: Alex Thu, 14 Apr 2005 21:03:08 +0000 This is stupid. Grow up, a serious matter is at issue – the use of a legal instrument that requires no proof of harm, without the protection of the criminal standard of proof or trial by jury, to exercise censorship. We are the internet. These people are our enemies.

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